Sun 30 Nov 2008 21:22
Our first excitement of the day came with a large wave which quickly disappeared down the open hatch onto Lis and Zoe's bunks. Anna (who had the same experience a few hours earlier) and Zoe then took up temporary residence on the salon sofas for a few hours sleep and awoke a few hours later in time to gybe giving us a westerly heading for St. Lucia.
Tea and crossiant elevances marked the first celebrations for advent Sunday followed by Christmas cake for afternoon tea. Even VHF battleships didn't escape the festivities with a seasonal alphabet. Unfortunately this didn't prolong our winning streak of one day bring the score to 4-1 to falbala.
Andy showed off his DIY skills mending the table in the cockpit whilst Lis and Zoe turned the deck into a chinese laundery drying various sheets. Anna ploughs on with decorations whilst Ed and Mark have been working out estimated times of arrival and altering timings from GMT.
All the best Mark, Ed, Anna, Zoe and Andy