Thu 27 Nov 2008 20:14
Flippering dolpins at dawn! Zoe and Anna were joined on 0400 - 0800 watch by at least 20 dolphins, very uplifting as they struggled womanfully to keep a hold of the wheel. Another beautiful day in he mid Atlantic. Winds have got up to 22 knots making speeds of 10 knots over the water and we have finally turned West this evening, St. Lucia here we come! As we made our (possibly final) gybe we were being ominously spyed upon by the Fin of Doomcircling round the boat. Round two of inter-VHF Battleships was unfortunately lost, score now 2-0 to Falballa.

With much persistance Lis is slowly becoming a master of the wheel whilst Ed remains happy sticking tools in bits of machinery trying to make water with much sucess. Anna is hot on the Christmas decorations for the forthcoming festivities whilst Zoe builds on her tan. Andy is more successfully cultivating his castaway look supporting a fledging beard and fishing rod. After much reeling and writhing our line returned empty so we look forward to a more fruitful day in the morrow. Mango count is minus two, leaving a hefty 38 to go, any recipes welcome. Mark has allowed the crew a brief taste of his secret supply of condensed milk who await with eager anticipation to see what other goodies might emerge from the depths of the aftcabin.

Now reaching the end of our fourth day at sea Gulliver is revelling in 22 - 23 knots of wind even if her crew aren't too sure. Never the less biceps permitting we are making good time towards St. Lucia whilst having a spectacular sail.