Dag Fyra: The Azores to Torreveija, Spain
Bo Westman
Fri 8 Jun 2012 00:17
38.29.281N / 019.30.574W
Hej alla!
The Boss and I would like to send a big tusen tack
to all the vänner of Felicia who have sent us SMSs each dag. We also want
to apologize for not acknowledging them for a couple dagar as we didn't notice
the inbox on the Iridium phone was full and could not take any more SMSs.
After painfully deleting the old SMSs (we hate to let go of our SMSs!!), the new
SMSs came in. So tusen tack again for the SMSs.
Idag has been a good sailing dag as the winds
changed to the southwest which is great for the point of sail that we are
looking for. We are now on starboard tack and sailing bra. The last
tjugo fyra timmar we have sailed ett hundra fyrtio nm, which is right at sex
knots per timme. We did leave the engine on last night as there were
really light winds, but we have had the sails out since this morning and making
great time in a gentle breeze at femtton to tjugo knots to go along with gentle
rolling waves. At this pace, we should get
to Gibraltor in about fem dagar, with tre more to Torreveija,
Det är molnigt idag but fairly warm. The moon
the last two kväll has been spectacular as it has been full or nearly full and
quite large in the sky. When it comes up, it lights up the entire bow of
Felicia to the point that I thought I might need to put on my 'moon
Ok, now it is time for me to go cook some of my
special home made Spaghetti Carbonara......you know.....the kind that comes in a
package and takes fem minutes to cook!!
Now for some words to Vivi from Bosse:
Har du ringt om låset? Kanske du även kan kolla vad
de vita glidlisterna till luckan kostar.
That is all for now.
Captain Bossman and Jazz