Dag Elva: Caribbean to the Azores

Bo Westman
Mon 21 May 2012 16:00
33.43.052N 048.27.863W
Hej alla!
It's definitely getting cooler as we all wore
shirts and even tröjor at times throughout the dag. It still was
comfortable and sunny but unfortuntely the wind has been very shy lately and
finding it has been a chore. We motor-sailed all last natt and most of the
dag. We even took in the sails and just motored along as we had less than
10kts of wind for most of the day.
The wind picked up a bit in the eftermiddag, so we
were able to but out the sails. Due to the lack of wind, we only did 106nm
idag. Since the Azores are fyra timmar ahead
of EST, we started to adjust our watches and clocks idag and moved
them ahead by ett timme. We will do this tre additional times before we
get to the Azores.
The highlight of idag was the trettio or so
dolphins that paid us a visit idag. They were all around Felicia and we
could hear them communicating under the water to each other. It was
quite amazing to see so many, they were literally everywhere!!
Freddy wants to tell his farmor that he is safe and
healthy and having a great time! He sends his love as well.
Fredmeister also wants to say that he had a very nice chat with his far
That is all for now.
It is almost time for our traditional shot of rum
for passing the 1000nm mark, meaning we have less than 1000nm left to go.
Hopefully, we can come up with another reason to have a shot of Caribbean rum
imorgon :)
Hej då,
The Felicia Crew