Dag Sjutton: Caribbean to the Azores
Bo Westman
Mon 21 May 2012 23:04
36.55.937N 034.14.930W
Hej alla!
First a quick note to Vivian from the
Till Vivi: Vi hoppar över Flores eftersom det
verkar bli busväder o åker direkt till Horta. Vi stannar väl någon dag o
fortsätter ev till någon annan ö, men fortsätter sedan till Spanien.
Förhoppningsvis är vi i hamn någon gång under tisdagen, så vi kan höras senast
på onsdag. Ha de. Hälsa mammorna o Molle.
Igar I forgot to mention that there was a momentous
occasion as Felicia passed her 20,000nm mark. To mark this achievement, we
had a shot of rum (of course we did!) and toasted Felicia's accomplishment
along with many of her many guests over the last tolv år.
Boss man had a busy dag idag as he filled the tanks
with the containers of spare deisel. We had some nice winds starting
in the early morgon so Freddy and the Boss put up the sails and turned off the
motor. Idag was a beautiful dag and we had strong winds hela dagen, going
at sex knots per timme. The winds have been great but the going has been a
bit rocky at times, but we are having a bra time!
We made ett hundra tolv nm in over the last dag and
have less than tre hundra to go to the Azores. Freddy has estimated
that we will be in Horta in femtio timmar and I estimated Femtio ett
timmar. Captain Bossy Pants didn't want to play :-(
So now the timmar countdown has begun and we are
all dreaming about how nice that first cold öl will taste when we arrive in
Horta after nitton or so dagar of sailing!
For dinner we ate at Seniore Federico's Italian
Pasta Shack and we all enjoyed Seniore Federico's Special Spaghetti
Bolognaise. We then finished that up with some fruit cocktail for
desert. It was utsökt.
Boss and I briefly saw a couple dolphins this
morgon before they swam away.
Well that is about all for this
Hej då alla,
The Felicia Crew