Dag nio: Caribbean to the Azores

Bo Westman
Sun 13 May 2012 15:20
32.52.248N 052.47.117W
Hej alla!
We had bra winds idag and made bra progress
eastward as we have now caught the easterly winds. We are quickly
approaching the half way point of our trip to the Azores, and in fact, i
morgon may well be the half way point. We made 121nm idag and in
total 1056nm since we left St. Martin with about 1220nm left to go. If we
continue at 5kts per timme, we will arrive in the Azores in 10
We had our fishing line out hela dagen
but it seems the fish did not like our bait.
We have been on starboard tack since we left St.
Martin and have only used the engine for approximately tjugo sex
Jazz went for a refreshing swim in the Atlantic
Ocean and survived the experience!
Igår the big bossman changed the oil and oil filter
in the diesel generator. The bossman always enjoys his visit to the sauna
(engine room), so he took an extra long time to do his work down
Freddy made us some chicken fajitas and they were
Please send us a sms to let us know if you received
this bloggen. Tack.
That is all for idag.
Hej då alla,
The Felicia Crew