Dag Två: The Azores to Torrevieja, Spain

Bo Westman
Tue 5 Jun 2012 23:46
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Last kvåll started off with some high winds reaching the mid-thirties before calming down a bit.  Since it was natt and hard to steer a direct course to Spain without the boom rattling back and forth, the Boz decided to put the engine on and we left it on until the morgon. 
The winds have actually been between tjugo and trettio knots hela dagen.  At sometime around två this eftermidagg, the winds moved more towards the north, giving us a better and more direct point of sail.  Ever since, we have been sailing directly towards Gibraltor at about sex kts per timme.  In fact, for the past tjugo fyra period, we have sailed ett hundra and trettio fem nm towards Gibraltor,which we are quite satisfied with.
Other than that, things have been fairly uneventful.  We haven't seen any ships or dolphins this dag-  We sailed by Terciera, last natt, which is the last island of the Azores that we saw and will be our last sight of land until we reach mainland Europe. 
I put on my chef hat idag and made us some chicken, rice and veggies with some sauce.  I would say that the chicken was maybe a bit over-done but not too bad, the sauce was a bit watery and the rice a bit mushy.  But the frozen veggies came out perfect!!!!!  Yippeeee!!!  :-)  The Bossman seemed happy with my creation, but maybe he was being kind.  I will say that cooking on two burners in the Atlantic with the waves rolling Felicia around, isn't the easiest thing in the world!
Ok, that is all for now, please let us know that you received this SMS and igars as well (which went out idag due to difficulties in sending igar).
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Captain Boz and Jazz