Day 6 Caribbean to the Azores
Bo Westman
Sun 13 May 2012 15:20
Dag sex: 28.17.19N
057.05.3W Hej alla,
Things are going pretty well here on Felicia.
We just finished dinner and the sun just departed the skies. Today was
quite sunny and nice.
Bo didn't feel so well today as he had a tummy
ache, but he is feeling better now. Bo has some very exciting news as he
caught this enormous flying fish today and he is so proud of his efforts that we
included a photo for all his family and friends to see!!!
We did about 117nm today which is about what we
have been doing the last few days. The winds picked up a bit last night and
we were crusing at about 5.5 to 6kts but they died again today so we ended
up the day at just less than 5kts per hour.
Everybody is doing well on Felicia and that is
about all there is to say for today.
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