Day 4: STT -> Azores - No wind no fish
Blue Note
Marco M.
Wed 1 May 2013 16:11
Position 24:11.9N 60:32.17W
COG 72T SOG 3.5 kt, Wind 75T 8 kt, Barometer 1008.6 stable
Temperatures: Air 24.4C, Sea 22.2C
Last 24h Sailed Distance: 108 NM
Sailed distance since departure: 487 NM
Time since departure: 4d 3h 00m
Average Speed since departure: 4.92 kt
Intention: sail to Horta
Distance to End on rhumb line: 1836 NM
ETA: Sunday May 19
Diesel consumption: 24% diesel burned with 18% of passage done.
Detailed Track (50 is the maximum number of point, i.e. once the last point reaches 50, the last point always is 50): <>
No wind or fish to report.
In the past I never went more than 24 hours without catching a Dorado or a Tuna, but is also true than never before a Frenchman was on board or that I was sailing so slow.
So, I'm not sure if only Damien has to be blamed for the lack of fish or the sargasso that keep fouling the lure or the slow speed.
Yesterday in the early afternoon we spotted another sailboat, and we call her on the VHF:
"Salt" a Amel 52 heading for Horta as well. We sailed together few miles apart until early evening when we decided to
take advantage of a temporary wind shift and tack.
Yesterday the wind was around 10-11 kts and allowed us to sail most of the time, however last night and today wind is only at 6-8 kts right on the reciprocal heading of our destination. So we have been motoring for the last 12 hours.
Last grib file shows wind coming finally from the "right direction" by noon tomorrow.
It also show that the wind should fill to a more respectable 15-20 kts the day after tomorrow.
Lisa and Damien on a calm Atlantic
A friendly bird that kept us company 400 NM from the closest land.