Sunday 17th July
Sun 17 Jul 2016 18:50
A week after we (Helen and Paul) flew from the UK to Lisbon in Portugal, we are now snugly tucked up at anchor in a bay on
the east end of the island of Madeira, just a few miles short of our crew changeover destination Funchal.
If you've been reading the blog entries (and if not, why not?) you'll know that the conditions were a tad challenging for
the first couple of days after leaving Lisbon. That was when we decided Vicki was on what we termed the 'Force 7 Diet' as
certainly not many calories stayed down long enough to be absorbed.
But the memories of cutlery drawers and their contents flying out and the hours of trying to stay upright on a very rocky
boat are now fading, replaced with fonder memories - for example earlier today, sailing at 6 knots in 15 knots of wind and
on an ideal beam reach from Porto Santo to Madeira - part of this was in the company of over a dozen dolphins playing
around the boat, and when we were nearly here we saw 2 whales cruising and spouting their way along in the distance.
Other memories - the games of contract whist (we let Captain Dave win once - you have to don't you); 'unbreakable' plates
flying across the galley and smashing on the floor; watching the Portugese football team winning the Euros in a bar in
Lisbon; solo night watches watching shooting stars; seeing David's beaming smile after managing to hoist his parasailor
when we weren't looking.
In short, hard and fun times in equal measure; great adventures with the best of friends. Roll on the ARC!
Helen and Paul
White Satin