The rain in spain...

Global Yacht Racing's P42
Global Yacht Racing
Sat 27 Sep 2008 11:58
37:35.8N 0:58.7W

Just a quick one to say that we arrived in Cartagena at about 0630 this morning. It's been raining heavily since we arrived, and doesn't show signs of stopping for the next few days.

For the last 12 hours of the passage we had up to 20 knots of wind on the nose, so we were beating with 2 reefs and #4 headsail. This boat is particularly uncomfortable in these conditions, so I think we were all glad to arrive and get some sleep. Doesn't look good for the next few days though - more wind and rain on the nose, and Kath and Tony are leaving us here so we'll be down to 4 crew.