Tortola - Nanny Cay & friends

Bill & Eva Fraser-Harris
Thu 17 Nov 2011 18:33
18:24N 64:38W
We are home....
Arrived at Sopers Hole and cleared in and proceeded directly to Nanny Cay. Awesome showers, drinks and then a crew dinner at Peg Legs. A group of friends joined us halfway through dinner so we had a lovely reunion and welcome. Slept like the dead after four days of watches. Jim and Austin took the ferry to St Tomas for flights home and we started the cleaning and uppacking. We will leave the dock tomorrow for a few days of "vacation sailing" before returning to Vermont. All told it ws a record trip for speed and ease of sailing. All downwind work. No breakages, equipment failures or crew issues/injuries. 0 engine hours from Bermuda to Tortola - now I just need to figure out what to do with 60 gallons of extra diesel.  Other rally boats that left from Hampton are stuck with no wind and declining fuel supplies. Luck of the draw. A word of remembrance for those that had a much rougher time of it than we did. Thank you for following us, it was fun for me to think I was connecting with a few friends while in the middle of the ocean. This is Namaste signing off or as they say on the VHF or SSB - "Namaste clear"