The End in Tortola

Sun 15 Apr 2007 23:42
Since July, this little old lady, Moonshine, has been from Falmouth to France, Spain, Portugal, Canaries, across the Atlantic to St Lucia, and then from St Lucia up the Caribbean chain to the British Virgin Islands, visiting 17 anchorages on 14 islands on the way.
The original plan, hatched in winter 2005, was then to continue to sail Moonshine home, but that plan, always flexible, changed when time constraints got in the way, and the return is to be by deck cargo, which will be much kinder for the boat..
Moonshine looked after us well on the trip, but is tired. She has been sailed about 6000 miles, and been used as a home since July last year and now desperately needs maintenance.
It's been a wonderful adventure. The Atlantic crossing was awesome, and every day was exciting. I think I will do that part again, but as paying crew on somebody else's yacht rather than on Moonshine. Most people seem to do it that way.
We are in Road Harbour now.
In other circumstances I would be telling you about the live gospel music that is just starting, or the mangrove swamp that is this end of the marina, or of the mosquitos that are just waking, but somehow it doesn't seem appropriate.
We have tomorrow to get the boat and us ready to leave, and then fly by a rather complicated route back to St Lucia, then Gatwick, Newquay and home. Moonshine follows by Russian ship, and reaches Southampton around 5th June.
If you have enjoyed reading the log, then I'm pleased. Thankyou for following it.
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