Tuesday, somewhere in the tropics

Tue 5 Dec 2006 22:34
We are currently at 19.10 N, 34.47 W, with 150 miles to go to the half way
point. We covered 158 miles in the last 24 hours so if this keeps up, by
this time tomorrow we will be over half way to St Lucia.
Of course, there's another way of looking at that. We are currently about as
far from land as it is possible to be, and still going out!
Can you imagine what it must have been like for Columbus and co, who didn't
know there was a two for one bar in Rodney Bay?
After the problems and breakages of the last few days, we are once again in
tropical downwind sailing conditions. The boat is bowling along downwind,
Huckleberry The Autosteer in command, and twin headsails rigged but
partially reefed. The boat is up at it's maximum speed, and although it is
rolling alarmingly, is completely controlled. This is splendid.
The weather has improved also. It's sunny with a little high cloud, not too
warm, and no sign of any squalls.
Squalls down here are part of the weather that we rarely get at home.
What happens is that the cold air in a cloud will suddenly get too heavy and
fall out of the bottom. The cold air, travelling very fast will then hit the
sea and spread out in all directions. If you are close, it is tense! The
windspeed may increase by 25 knots in 10 seconds. The reason I tell you that
of course is that we don't have any! If we did it would be a much more
dramatic story, full of howling wind, brave deeds, and survival - but we
don't have any .
I can imagine the erratic courses of all 225 boats furiously avoiding every
We saw a boat yesterday! - At least we saw the masthead lights of a boat, on
the horizon, in the night. It appeared to be on the same course as us, but
difficult to tell at that range. Within an hour it was out of range again.

I broke off there to do something, can't remember what but now I'm back.

The intervening period has been very exciting! First I caught a fish. A
dorado of course ( notice how the name is no longer spelt with capitals)
- (they may well be the king of fish but there is a point ---) - ( mackerel
would be nice) It was beautiful and will taste nice, but today is curry.
The other exciting thing is that we were then hit smack in the mouth by
two squalls. - big winds, big seas etc. Remember the comment about
survival , bravery, and all that stuff. What we did was went inside to get
out of the rain, and drank some wine whilst cooking the curry.
- boat was leaping about though.
Thats what it's all about. Reality is never quite what fear cracks
it up to be.
It is now quite lovely, with a full moon and almost daylight. The clouds
have gone, and it is a beautiful tropical night. It changes so quickly.
Of course what I haven't said is that we are pushing this dear little
boat to get the best placing we can no matter what the weather, but
thats only because I think you know that already!
Thanks for being with us.
Rod,Dave and Alun
SY Moonshine


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