Wednesday, Tropics?
Wed 6 Dec 2006 22:33
The weather has been, what can I say? Confusing!
It's excellent sailing weather - on average, wind just about right - on average. The sea conditions are not dangerous. The temperature is ok.-certainly not cold. We havent even had constant rain. What we have had is wind ranging from 5, to 35 knots. Sea ranging from almost flat, to small mountains, scattered showers so heavy you can't see through them. But, on average, it really is good. Thats as negative as I can be. We are enjoying every minute.
This is like an almost out of control downhill black ski run!
The Half Way Point took us by surprise at 12.20 p.m. today. We are no longer going out, we are coming back in!
The sailing today has been just about as good as you can get. The wind settled down to about 20-25 knots, and the sea to a fairly benign15 foot swell, with little breaking crests on some. Occasionaly, the breaking crests would shoot foam into the cockpit. Sometimes, flying fish only an inch or two long would be washed in with the foam. We could hold the boat, at least the Autosteer could, at about 7-8 knots for long periods, and at one point,surfing down a wave, it beat it's previous best with11.3 knots. The poor little thing shouldn't do that! It really was splendid sailing and lasted right up until the sun went down, when we trimmed the sails back slightly for the night. We just sat back and enjoyed the day. Ate a little cheese, drank a little wine, occasionaly trimmed a sail, and of course, caught a dorado. Dreams are made of this!
Rod Dave and Alun
SY Moonshine
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