Back in St.Lucia.

Fri 23 Mar 2007 12:08
The thing about St. Lucia is that it is in the tropics. That seems pretty obvious really, but not so the problems.
First of all, they have cockroaches here. They stopped evolving round about 50 million years ago having reached absolute perfection in the survival stakes. Now, they are agile little creatures. You cannot tie a boat up to a pontoon without running bits of string ashore. To a cockroach, a bit of string is an invitation to a party, and looks like a 4 lane highway.
The first day here was spent dismantling the boat. Every locker was emptied, every item washed and disinfected, every surface sprayed with stuff that is not good for the planet.
It was having achieved success in the Great Cockroach War, that we found evidence of the mouse!
They have a new drink in St. Lucia. It's called 'a Flintoff'. When you ask whats in it, they say 'everything'
Tomorrow we leave here and go on to Martinique, - in a squeaky clean boat.
Whilst we were away, Byron, a local man, polished and varnished the boat to perfection. People cannot believe that she is 38 years old. A real old classic that turns heads. I must remember that when I get her home.
Yesterday, Sandra was offered a trip up to Tortola on a 57 foot modern, luxurious, fast Jeanneau. They didn't ask me, probably because they didn't need that level of skill. Sandra declined, preferring to meander up in 3 weeks, rather than the 4 days they were planning. She's walking around with a confused look on her face - never was good at decisions.
It will be good to get under way again.
Next note from Martinique.
Rod Sandra and the mouse. XXXX
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