Blog 20 3rd December 2023

Magic Pelagic
Paul & Tracey Simmons
Sun 3 Dec 2023 15:00
Position at 13:30 on 3rd December 2023 16:47:800N 026:46:400W

We set off late afternoon following a delay at the marina where they were low on fuel. We spent an hour in the bay for the crew to become more familiar with boat before setting off under sail towards the Caribbean. At this stage we’re still uncertain of our dest8nation between the islands of Grenada and Martinique.
We suffered a complete power blackout after dark and had no light or navigation equipment but soon found the problem as the Battery Management System closed down. It was sorted out quickly and we were reassured by a call to Martin so remain confident it is unlikely to reoccur but have a simple plan if it does.
All crew have settled in well and are enjoying the sailing and Chloe has produced a fantastic Spanish Tortilla that we demolished this morning.
Its quiet out here with not much shipping and other yachts are spread far and wide.
There is no photograph today as the Tortilla was eaten so quickly.

Nous sommes partis tard hier après-midi après un petit retard dû à un manque d’essence au port. Après un breefing de depart et la présentation du bateau, nous nous sommes mis en route. On ne sait toujours pas si on va en Grenade ou en Martinique.
Apres le depart, au debut de la nuit, on a eu une panne d’électricité qui a coupé tous les instruments à bord. Après examination et un appel à Martin la solution a été trouvée. ça ne devrait pas se reproduire et si c’est le cas nous savons quoi faire.
Tout le monde s’est reposés entre nos périodes de quart de nuit et ce matin on a profité d’une bonne Tortilla de Patatas faites par Chloé. Il n’y a pas de photo car elle a été mangée trop vite.
C’est plutot calme, pas beaucoup de bateau et vent agréable.