Blog 9

Magic Pelagic
Paul & Tracey Simmons
Thu 16 Nov 2023 10:56

Position as previous

Still in Lanzarote we have had a very busy week stripping down the Auto Pilot motor, the generator and making the final connections of equipment for the lithium installation.
Martin did a rig inspection by climbing the mast to make some essential repairs and replace the genoa halyard.
The marina has been buzzing this week as there has been a market here and lots of people about. There’s a big metal Christmas tree going up but no lights on it yet, it all seems incongruous given what we and Magic Pelagic are doing over the next 4 weeks.
Tony arrived yesterday completing the crew of 5 for the crossings to Cape Verde and Grenada so we’re now beavering away on finishing touches to the boat and shopping (with the voluminous Fiat 500) for food etc to ensure we are ready for Saturday 18th our likely departure date.

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Martin up the mast Auto Pilot dismantled Defective Generator Water Pump