Monday update

Chill Out
Geoff Evans
Mon 8 Dec 2008 19:31
Hi All...
We had good winds last night, but unluckily in a
particular hard gust a hole was torn in the gennaker, this has now
been repaired and its ready to go again.
Today started with rain and its been
cloudy all day, although still warm,
The highlite of the day was our close encounter
with a whale, which came within 20 metres of the boat, it was
huge and seeing it here in the middle of the ocean was really
As you can see from the photo, we have harsh rules
on the boat, and Bosse had his head shaved for burning the toast!
We've now got good winds and the prognosis looks
promising, so hopefully we'll keep our timetable and reach St Lucia on
I've just checked the positions and we're still
around 6th in our class
Love to All
Jeff Thomas Mats Bosse