Sunday update

Chill Out
Geoff Evans
Sun 7 Dec 2008 13:03
13:42N 47:32W
Hi all...
The time is flying by..or so it seems most of the time, this is our last weekend of the crossing and we hope to be in St Lucia on Friday, or latest Saturday morning.
The last few days have been really strange and frustrating weatherwise, the winds has been really light, and we've had several monsoon like rain storms, and as we want to arrive in St Lucia this side of christmas theres been a lot more motoring than we would have wanted.
And now we're in a real hurry..the food run out a few days ago.. but more importantly the few beers we had on board have gone, we cant remember drinking them so its a mystery!
We've done a bit of fishing and caught a Barracuda and a tuna, but they were both caught after dinner so they were thrown back..(and nobody can be bothered to kill and cook them).
At the moment we think we're around 6th position in our class with almost all the boats in front of us being bigger and we're not doing to badly.
We're now down to cans and packets of dried food, so there will be no sunday roast today,which is good as Its my turn to cook.
At the moment the wind has picked up and we are flying both main and gennaker and doing 7-8 knots.. St Lucia here we come!
Love to all
Jeff Thomas Mats Bosse

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