935 miles to go. 15N 45W.

Sun 22 Dec 2002 17:20
Well, problems are mounting. The asses milk has finally run out and Teg is
now having to bathe in lavender water like everyone else.

A chap on the radio called Herb said that the trade winds would kick in
yesterday afternoon and (Bill Fish eat your heart out) they did. Have been
trucking along at 5-7 knots since and have broken through the elusive 1000
miles to go barrier. If this wind stays we would hope to get in to St Lucia
in less than a week from now.

Where was Ellen MacArthur when we needed her? The bulb in the masthead
navigation light has gone and it's not nearly rough enough for me to video
Teg going to replace it. We now take it in turns to stand at the bow with a
cigarette lighter to warn off any shipping (which we haven't seen for about
2 weeks now - is anyone out there?).

But seriously now - does anyone want a red cabbage? I knew it would keep
well (and it has) but we didn't really assess whether we actaully wanted to
eat it. It really is looking very lonely in the now, otherwise empty,
vegetable basket . Ther are six oranges left on the port side and alot of
pasta . Any ideas for a ready steady cook? (don't bring salt)

Not much joy on the fishing recently as we have been going far too slowly.
On the rare occasions we hit 3 knots the last thing we were going to do was
add drag. I was already using the boat like a swimming pool float at this
stage to make it go faster.


It's hot, sunny, windy and glorious. Should get in just in time for the St
Lucia New year sales and second hand turkeys (to go with the red cabbage).

Will try and get another one in before christmas but have alot of functions
to go to between now and the big day.

Get the kettle on love!