Atlantic crossing from Bermuda. 9

Thu 7 Jun 2007 18:41
Tuesday, a very good days sailing in
almost perfect tradewind conditions, 15 to 20 knots from the S/W. All
sail set including the staysail so managing to maintain a reasonable
speed. Spent the day honing our fishing skills. I have deliberately kept
out of the fishing arrangements up to now, not wanting to adversely influence
the set-up, with my record any influence would be negative. The wind remained
steady throughout the night giving us 166 miles for the 24 hours to 7am
Thursday. Awoke this morning to steady rain and a distant thunderstorm. Michel
going mad trying to make the most of any brisk wind with the autopilot
cutting out when the pressure comes on. It looks like we are going to be plagued
with this problem for the whole trip, if we try to crank the boat up to any
speed it causes the pilot to cut out. Just after lunch as I write
the wind settled down at 10 to 15 knots, the sea slightly agitay, quite
warm hazy sunshine but at 35 degrees north considerably cooler than St Lucia at
14 degrees. The gribfile weather forecast is confused due to high pressure over
the area but threatens somewhat more lively conditions to come. All well and
having fun.
Still no fish.