23:35.88N 21:04.43W
Relentless across The Atlantic
Nigel Houghton
Sat 22 Nov 2014 12:13
23deg 35.88 north; 21 deg 04.43 west
Approx 390 miles SSW of Canaries
“Hey. This water’s really warm,” said Nigel as a splash of seawater landed
on his hand. Two seconds later six gallons of water hit him from over the
The sea likes to play little tricks like that.
Certainly King Neptune has had a good laugh at our expense since we left
Puerto Mogan: rough seas, gusty winds, rainstorms. Lovely
We’re in calmer waters now and the sun is shining at last.
The good news for everyone back home is that we’ve hardly been able to eat
for two days so it’s doing wonders for our waistlines (not Dave’s!)
Coupled with our nice grey beards, this means we all have a touch of the
Robert Redfords about us.
We’re having our first go at baking bread today. Wish us luck with that
Have a great weekend.