Passage from Bermuda to Azores Position: N34:38:27 W062:37:02

Superted V
Jean & Matt Findlay
Sun 15 May 2016 13:05
Bermuda to Departed All well until 11pm, when all hell let loose with severe
thunder and lightening, and 40k gusts. Headsail away and down to tiny bit of
main. Gybed to head north across the back of the storm and managed to get out
of the worst of it before dawn. Skys now clearing and looking OK. Have got a
bit more main out now and some headsail. Forecast for the passage is looking
very uncertain, as is our destination – watch this space! No contact with anyone on SSB, so all a bit lonely at the
moment. Date and time: 15th May 2016; 09.15 GMT Position: N34:38:27 W062:37:02 24 hr distance: 171M |