BoraBora to Suwarrow S15:39:80 W154:03:60

Amazing how time flies when you’re having fun! We’ve spent
5 months in French Polynesia (The Marquesas, The Tuamotus and the Society
islands) but have now put away our French dictionary and are heading for
English speaking countries (well sort of!) We had a great time with Matthew and Jo – visiting 5 of the So nursing our aching limbs and blistered feet, we set off for Suwarrow
(one of the Cook Islands) yesterday morning. Not much wind to start with so it
was up with the spinnaker for the day to keep the speed up. The wind had
started to get up and go ahead so just before dark we dropped the spinnaker
– and thank goodness we did it then as the sock got stuck half way down and
the spinnaker was flying about all over the place - we had to drop the whole
lot and manually pack it into the sock – not something we would have
liked to have done in the dark! Have been sailing on port tack – 2 sail
reaching – in a wind of around 12 – 15 knots all night but with
about a 0.75 knot current against. The sea has started to get a bit agitee but
not too bad. Sun is shining! 24 hour distance: 143 miles. Position: S15.39.8 W154.03.6 |