Passage from Cape Town, South Africa to St Helena S17:52:092 W003:48:755

Day 8 Not a lot to report really. Pleasant day with winds around 15 knots
most of the day. Stayed poled out on port gybe all day. Wind switched to SE
during the night but managed not to have to gybe until 8 this morning. Sun out
early this morning so quite hot already. Finished off our December update for the website so hoping we can get
wifi in Matt had a sighting of a USB (unidentified sea beast) – something
big leaping out of the sea. Apart from that very quiet – not even the
odd bird! A few more flying fish on deck this morning and a squid stuck to the
windscreen (must’ve been a jet propelled one!) He have 165nm to go now, and the winds are fair. So we hope to be
anchored in Date and Time: 27 January 12.00 24 hours distance: 172nm Position: S17:52:092 W003:48:755 |