08:21:163S 98:52:297W Day 4

First of all thanks to all of you who have sent greetings – great
to know we have so many people watching out for us! Another quite fast day
– still heading in a south westerly direction so we should be well into
the trades by now –but where is this illusive fabulous trade wind
sailing? We seem to have found the wind but those lovely rolling swells 19
seconds apart are nowhere to be found. Another 24 hours in the wash –
this time complete with several rinse cycles – yep we’ve had
squalls with torrential rain, thunder and lightning (very, very frightening Galileo…)
We had just had a shower (personal one) when there was a change in the wind and
Matt had to pole out the genoa – well all our nice clean, dry clothes got
soaked! If it hadn’t have been so turbulent we could have just stood on
the aft deck with a bar of soap. We then spent the rest of the day adjusting
the sails to find the best angle for the wind – unfortunately it kept
changing so we had to keep altering course. 24 hour distance 188 miles. Position: S08.21.163 W098.52.297 |