Passage from Ascension to Grenada Position: S00:00:000 W042:50:97

11 Just
look at that position! I had to cheat a bit and take the readings at 3 minutes
past 8am! So we’re now back in the northern hemisphere. If it wasn’t
so cloudy at nights we might have had a glimpse of the Plough. Good
day yesterday with 2 knot current until late afternoon then it started to drop
off a bit and has gradually gone down to around 0.5knots. According to the
file it should be between 2 and 3 knots so don’t know what’s
happened to it. We are off the Amazon delta, so maybe something is happening
as a result. At around 5pm we had a squall – just managed to get the
sails reefed before it really hit us – have kept the reefs in all night
as the wind has now gone further ahead onto a close reach. Date
and time: 26th Feb 2016; 0803 GMT 24
hours distance: 205nm Position:
S00:00:000 W042:50:97 |