We've arrived!!!
Sun 18 Jun 2017 21:23
Position: 36:08N 005:21W COG: Nada! Trip: 3060 DTD: Zero!! We've arrived!!! 16 days and 7 hours to cover 3060 miles....not bad!! We had a really hard slog at the end battering into 40 knots of wind and swell for 24 hours covering little ground and we were doing our best to try and avoid the boat slamming but it was practically impossible. We noticed the bilge pump coming on regulary and initially suspected there may be a bit of water coming in but it was way too regular for that. We lifted the floor boards and sure enough there was plenty of sea water there. ALARM BELLS RINGING!!! We lifted more floor boards were the depth sensor and forward sensor are and found that the forward sensor had completely unscrewed itself and come out allowing sea water to pour in!! Luckily there is a flap that stops the bulk of the flow. So we got that screwed back in...major catasrophe and potential sinking overted! So we're tied up now in Marina Bay.. I'm going to keep this short and sweet as desperate for a beer and to chill out but thought I'd let all our readers know we're here! Just need to clear immigration and may go for a wander on LAND!!! Last pic of the trip....and fantastic bunch of lads that made for a great crossing! Until our next major voyage and thanks for reading and following our little trip across the pond...... Shalan Out |