A quick pit-stop
Position: 38:28N 026:08W Morning! 0539 here, sun has just come up and starting to warm the
cockles....it gets rather chilly through the night. So a brief recap on yesterday. The forecast showed winds to be
light over the next few days and would likely involve motoring for
the next 400 miles so we decided to call in to Horta to fill up
the Starboard Tanks (Port tanks still full) and pick up some fresh
food. The marina in Horta is all pretty new, a really clean nice
place and plenty of boat artwork on the walkways and
walls...pretty cool! The islands themselves are surpising lush and
green for volcanic islands too. We were in and out of Horta within
2 hours and back on our way passing the impressive Volcano Pico on
the North side. Again there's been bugger all wind and have been
under engine all the way. We've got 13 knots of following breeze at the moment so there may be the opportunity for a bit of sailing to occur today! Going to pull out the code 0 now and see what happens! While there's not much to do sailing wise, we have decided to reduce the watches to only one person on changing every two hours....hence its me at the moment! I've had a tidy up and currently writing this while listening to a podcast series I've downloaded called "my dad wrote a porno" which is hilarious....get on to it!! So thats all for now. Here's a pic of us passing Pico
yesterday...you can see the peak in the middle of the clouds. Shalan out |