A brief stint with the Spinnaker!

Sat 27 May 2017 16:34
DTD: 404 miles
Trip: 547 miles
Afternoooooon all!
So we had a good sail through the night with the main and the code 0. We had about 13 knots of SE wind and were moving along nicely at about 9/10 knots. A 16 metre sailing vessel came up on the AIS and we took great pleasure in hunting them down and smashing past them. They're currenly off our starboard side as they turned on their 150bhp sail way before us. Morning came and we continued on. The wind started to drop and move south so we thought we'd give the A2 a go. We got it up without a glitch no problems which was quite a surprise. Sadly the wind dropped an hour later to 5 knots so we decided to sock it and now we're motoring directly to Bermuda until the wind comes back.
All well on board. Tom's on with some BLT's, AIM 'Cold Water Music' is on the tunes, the lines are out but still no fish!!!!!
Picture of the day: some spinnaker action....yeeeehaaaw!