Up North
Mon 6 Feb 2017 12:22
Just before crossing the wind swung north to NE and picked up. So we flew across at 8knots, the fastest we've been for a while.
Lots of cloud today, all types and heights; very warm sun lifting the water off the sea. Looks thin all around the horizon, but overhead just thin layers of whispy cloud.
2030 Spoke to soon. Wind below 5 knots, so we're motoring.
So, the wind came back 30 minutes later & stayed around 10-15 knts from the ENE.
The GFS Grib (weather) forecasts have been showing no or very little wind for the past couple of days & continues to show it for the next 400 miles as we travel through the doldrums. I am very pleased to say, that so far the forecast has been totally useless and we are getting some fantastic sailing conditions, flat'ish seas & steady winds on or in front of the beam. It makes a really nice change to sail upwind. The motion on the boat is steadier & life is good. Still very hot though....
Current Position 06/02/17 12.05 UT 02:33.0N 019:10.0W
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