Up North

Mon 6 Feb 2017 12:22
At 1140 this morning we crossed the equator, back in to the northern hemisphere. We stopped at the visitor centre, had a coffee, stuck our heads through the Neptune photo stand for a comedy snap. I thought of sending y'all a postcard, but I couldnt choose, they all look the same. We made offerings to Neptune, I forked out tuna from a can, curtesy of James Moller (thanks Molly). Chris got the good champagne out (free on entry to Richards Bay, SA); Neptune got a slurp and we had the rest. Good celebrations.

Just before crossing the wind swung north to NE and picked up. So we flew across at 8knots, the fastest we've been for a while.

Lots of cloud today, all types and heights; very warm sun lifting the water off the sea. Looks thin all around the horizon, but overhead just thin layers of whispy cloud.

2030 Spoke to soon. Wind below 5 knots, so we're motoring.

So, the wind came back 30 minutes later & stayed around 10-15 knts from the ENE.
The GFS Grib (weather) forecasts have been showing no or very little wind for the past couple of days & continues to show it for the next 400 miles as we travel through the doldrums. I am very pleased to say, that so far the forecast has been totally useless and we are getting some fantastic sailing conditions, flat'ish seas & steady winds on or in front of the beam. It makes a really nice change to sail upwind. The motion on the boat is steadier & life is good. Still very hot though....

Current Position 06/02/17 12.05 UT 02:33.0N 019:10.0W

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