Day 4 on the hard
Fri 6 Nov 2015 17:48
Making good progress with the work.
The day before we hauled out BeBe arrived on our pontoon & we met Hon
Admiral Bill. He offered to coach us with some of the technical bits we
had to do on haul out. He came over as promised and was incredibly
helpful. Not only instructing but also providing tools that we didn’t have
& even a couple of spare parts that were not in my inventory. This
resulted in a really productive first day even though we didn’t get on the hard
until 14.00!
Day 1 – Prop removed, drive bushes replaced & transmission oil
changed. Bow Thruster removed & seals changed
Day 2 – 1/3 boat prepped ready for anti-fouling, greased prop & rubbed
it down.
Day 3 – Greased sea-cocks, started anti-fouling prop & continued
prepping hull
Day 4 – Finished prop antifoul, most of hull prepped, checked Anode
electrical & continuity. Ground down some of the keel & prepped
with one coat of epoxy. Also discounted the SSB earth as per the Amel
instructions (may put this back on depending on testing when back in the
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