All at sea again
Andrew Yates
Fri 29 May 2009 14:33
Well thanks to the stuck up British neighbours that
were rafted up to the outside of us, we got up early this morning and left Horta
for Cowes. We were rafted up with a Norwegian boat on our inside and a
British and French boat on the outside and until yesterday thought the marina
organisation was great.....then they chose to put a big (50 ft +) heavy Maramu
(French boat) on the outside of us knowing that the two British boats had
cleared out from customs and immigration and were leaving early in the
morning. More of a shame for the old French boys as they had just
arrived yesterday evening after crossing the Atlantic and no doubt wanted a lie
in. We on the other hand (well...not all of us) only had to forego the
usual drinking session in Peters bar for a relatively early night.
Again the stuck up British guy put paid to the early night worrying that he was
taking all the weight of the boats on his shore line. The wind had changed
and we cordially tightened our shore line but ended up in the middle of a
discussion with the Norwegian and stuck up British guy re which cleat our shore
line should be on when really the stuck up British guy should have tightened his
and the Old French boys should have had at least one line on and were nearly
stern to stern with a Beneteau 57.......all good fun at midnight! I
knew we were ok so went to bed and left them to it!
The Azores are a beautiful island to visit and the
boys (Matt and Sam) hired a car to tour the island, I had already done this so I
set about doing the painting on the harbour wall (it is bad luck not to do
it) Very simple, a Piccolo and a note with our names, the boats name
and the date...... not my best piece of work, you would not know that I have
O'level Art (C grade). Still it will be there for a few years at least and
it was nice to see the others I have done on previous visits still
Motoring at the moment as the wind has died but a
low pressure system coming this way tomorrow so we are almost guaranteed some
westerly wind. Crew all settled back into watch system and only one
little bunny sea sick but that was probably due to the four G&T's rather
than the boats motion.
Piccolo crew