Rest and Repairs
Andrew Yates
Fri 28 Nov 2008 12:22
Arrived back in Las Palmas at 3:30 am Wednesday
morning having motored through nasty rain storms. Boat removed from water by
yard at 10.00 am and crack around keel quickly identified by Lolo our trusty
mechanique. Andy inspects keel once removed from Piccolo.
Crew settle into routine of 2 hourly visits to
boatyard to check progress, site seeing -Las Palmas Catherdral and Matt and
Jack relaxing in the new 5 star cabin at the Hotel Catalina. In between a few
beers and good meals.
Superglue safely delivered form Barcelona on
Thursday lunch time, keel re-attached and looking good by 18:00. Boat returned
to the water by 9.00 am Friday, watched by Andy & Chris. Back
out sailing by 11.00.
Glorious sun shine as we go in search of wind and