Getting close

Andrew Yates
Fri 22 May 2009 15:37
Not to much to report from sunny Atlantic.....very
very hot today and little respite as little wind or shade....should not complain
as we have been wishing for this for the last week.....but hey we are
British! A few small decrepit looking turtles have passed by and as
usual more boring I hear you say....not again. They
are getting bigger though they are of the bottlenose variety.
Sam and Mathew....current mental age 7.... have been having skimming
competitions of the back of the boat with mouldy pitta breads.....boys and their
toys! With the flat seas we managed to hold down a game of
cards last night after Katie made a delicious chilli with Garlic pitta bread
(not the mouldy stuff). Some people know how to cheat and others they just
loose....Katie lost at Piggy. Back to my cooking day and have made a loaf
of bread that resembles a brick but then we are out of white flour and only
wholemeal to work with. Tasted alright though.
Hoping to see some Whales later today and if it
stays this hot we may go for a dip! Don't worry it will not be a
case of adrift....we will stay attached to lines and fenders off the back of the
boat and someone will stay on boat......if sharks appear rest assured we will
jump back on pretty quickly.....joking!
Oh...both the boys have had showers so they smell
nice now whereas Katie and myself still hum!
Tune in again.
The good ship Piccolo