The trip back to Bundy via Huon and Chesterfield Reefs

Mustang Sally Cruising
Mark Lawrence & Dianne Jackson
Sun 28 Oct 2018 05:22
You may have figured we had a couple of stopovers on our passage from
Espiritu Santo to Bundaberg.
This has two main benefits, the first being that it breaks a 1150NM passage
into three small hops of 2days, 2days and 3days.
The second is that you get to go and visit two amazing mid ocean
We dropped in at both Huon and Chesterfield on our last trip home from
Vanuatu 2013 and while we were totally gobsmacked at being able to spend time in
such remote, beautiful and pristine parts of the world but also felt a bit
cheated that we didn’t get enough time so have been keen to get back there if at
all possible. This time we were lucky enough to spend four nights at each
Without going into all the details of the trip home we left Santo on the
morning of the 6th October. There were light winds forecast but luckily we
had enough wind to sail most of the way to Huon and very settled sea state to
make for a very comfortable passage. We arrived at Huon mid morning on the
8th October and crossed paths with Sub Zero who was on their way to Chesterfield
so had the place to ourselves for a few days.
Huon Reef is part of the northern lagoon system of New Caledonia and is
approx. 130NM north of the Grand Terre.
We had a wonderful four nights at Huon Reef and made sure we did plenty of
walking, snorkelling and bird and turtle watching during out stay.
Unfortunately the reef was looking a bit damaged compared to our last visit
which was a bit disappointing and not 100% sure of the reason but think it could
be due to a number of factors including the recent cyclones that went
through the area. The birds certainly made up for this and we saw a number of
turtles breeding in the lagoon and also many tracks and turtle nests on the
We also had Whiskers (a fellow Safety Beach SC member) join us in the
anchorage on the 11th October which was very exciting
Huon Photos:
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Noddie Terns
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Blue Footed or Masked
Black Tipped Reef Sharks stalking in the shallows
SBSC Rendezvous at Huon
After the four nights at Huon it was back to sea on the morning of the 12th
October with Whiskers in hot pursuit.
Again the winds were forecast to be light but we still had enough to sail
for most of the way and again the sea state was amazingly calm so another comfy
We arrived at Chesterfield on the morning of 14th October. This time
there was another boat in the anchorage who contacted us not long after we
arrived and found out that he is a French solo sailor named Johnny with
his dog Loupey who is also on his way to Bundaberg.
Johnny on Amarante
Not long after we anchored the skies opened up and we had a good heavy rain
which gave the boat a nice wash but was badly timed for Whiskers who was trying
to make their way into the anchorage area. That night we had more thunder
storms go through but that was the last of the bad weather and we were able to
enjoy four nights at Chesterfield with some lovely calm conditions. Again
we were totally blown away by the beauty of Chesterfield Reef. We
could try to explain in words but pictures do a much better job!!
Chesterfield Reef:
Same sign as in 2013!!
Red Footed Boobie
Sooty Terns
Whisker Folk at Chesterfield – think they were also happy to get
![]() ![]() ![]() On the 18th October we set off for the last push home to Australia and you
won’t believe it but yet another calm passage with light to moderate winds.
This was definitely the most comfortable passage we have ever had and
despite the light conditions were able to sail for most of the way although we
did sail for most of the way with no reefs in the main and a full headsail which
is very unusual configuration for Mustang Sally.
We arrived back into Bundaberg at around 14:00H on Sunday 21st October and
anchored up the river for the evening and were again greeted but some amazing
thunder and lightening show that evening and again the boat got another good
Early the next morning we moved into the marina and by lunch time had been
cleared in by Customs and Biosecurity and were officially home.
We have since departed from Bundaberg Marina and are now anchored up in Tin
Can Bay which is at the south end of Fraser Island.