Back to the Ha'apai 2nd June 2017

Mustang Sally Cruising
Mark Lawrence & Dianne Jackson
Thu 1 Jun 2017 20:37
We were very pleased that we decided to sit out the nasty tropical
depression on a mooring in Neiafu (Vava’u) as the wind clocked the compass and
we saw 35kts even in the reasonably protected harbour.
Local sporting the Tapa Sash called a Vala of Fusi - Neiafu
It also gave us the chance to use our water catcher and fill the tanks as
there was also a lot of rain involved which as is the Mustang Sally tradition
involved going ashore for lunch. We also got to celebrate Monty’s (from
our cruising companion – Whistler) birthday so despite the heavy rain we all had
a great day.
Whistler anchored off Matafanoua Lodge
During our few days in Neiafu we have pretty much sorted the place out and
now know what is available for when our guests arrive in June and July.
We departed from Neiafu on the 26th May and headed around to Port Maurelle
which is a great jumping off point for our trip back down to the Ha’apai
group. We were lucky enough to briefly catch up with Kathy, Richard and
Jim on Persistent Shift who we met out in Fiji last season. We seem to be
a bit like ships in the night as everytime they seem to be arriving somewhere we
seem to be moving on however, we are hoping to catch up with them again when we
return to Vava’u mid June.
It was up bright and early (around 4.30am) on the 27th May for the 70NM
trip down to Ha’apai. Our first anchorage was off the small island of
Nukunamo which is a lovely spot and very close to the Matafanoua lodge -
Darren and his family are great and they offer kite boarding lessons so we are
hoping to take him up on the offer when we drop in again when we are heading
back north.
We spent a couple of nights in the anchorage and enjoyed some lovely
swimming and snorkelling, we also go to watch Monty enjoy a morning of kite
boarding as he is a little more advanced than us. He did however, come a
cropper at one stage and lost his board which very quickly escaped and made a
quick exit out with the fast running current in the channel but luckily Darren
was able to spot it and follow its progress with his drone and the Mustang Sally
Rescue Team where on to it and were able to pick it up in our tender.
As we have the luxury of being able to spend a few weeks in the Ha’apai and
with a forecast of calm conditions for the next bit we headed down to the
anchorage in Uoleva Bay which is around 9NM south and we are still anchored in
the same spot. Our current position anchored off Uoleva is 19:50.973S
Fanifo Lofa / Kitesurf Tonga – Uoleva Island
This is a lovely spot and the fringing coral reefs make for a very
sheltered and calm anchorage. During our stay we have seen a number of
boats arriving in from New Zealand with many of them on the Island Cruising
Association Rally. We have heard from Brian and Lisa off Summer Lovin’ –
who are also from Safety Beach Sailing Club who checked into Tongatapu a few
days ago and are currently anchored around 15NM away so we are hoping we might
get to catch up with them over the next few days. We have also been on
plenty of beach walks and have now totally circumnavigated the island, there has
been a bit of snorkelling but unfortunately much of the coral seems to be pretty
dead which is a shame and not 100% sure of the cause but there do still seem to
be plenty of fish around. We also managed to dig out the kites for a day
of practicing as this is also a well renown kite boarding area although we
didn’t elect to use the board and are saving that up for our visit to
One of the boats in our anchorage was kind enough to give us a big lump of
wahoo that they had caught which we cooked up for dinner but to be honest it
wasn’t that flash although we are planning to use some of it in a curry tonight
– we thought that perhaps our cooking technique was not quite right but when
they dropped into the anchorage last night they actually apoligised and advised
that they ended up chucking it overboard. Maybe we shouldn't be putting it
in the curry after all!!
Uoleva Bay