Life in the Southern Lagoon

Mustang Sally Cruising
Mark Lawrence & Dianne Jackson
Sun 29 May 2016 04:32
Current position is anchored off Ils Mato in the Southern Lagooon
22:33.095 166:47.921E
We departed Noumea on Thursday and have been anchored here since. We
have found many Nemo’s on our travels underwater as well as some lovely
coral. Have also spotted sea snakes and a couple of octopi!!!
Have also trialled the new inflatable kayak which was great fun and look
forward to many more paddling adventures.
Not sure of plans for tomorrow – depends on weather. May end up
spending some more time here before heading to Ils de Pin or hoping we might be
able to get down to Ils Ua for a few days if we get South to South East
Cheers from the Sallies |