Crew Change in Vava'u (6th July)

Mustang Sally Cruising
Mark Lawrence & Dianne Jackson
Wed 5 Jul 2017 23:40
We did get off the boat for a meal at the Spanish Restaurant, La Paella,
which was an excellent night and we plan to get back there before we finally
depart from Tonga sometime in August.
Paella at La Paella
As the wind was still blowing we headed back around to Lisa Beach
(anchorage #10) for the night of the 23rd June as it is a much calmer and more
protected anchorage than Tapana (anchorage #11).
We had a nice walk to the village of Pangai where we found the streets were
being decorated with bunting and the entire village was doing a clean up for the
impending visit from the Finance Minister who was due in to do a village
Mormons at Pangai Village
As the winds starting to abate on the 24th June we headed over to the
anchorage at the Coral Gardens (anchorage #16) where we enjoyed some
snorkelling, beach walks and even got Miss Amanda out for a run in the
kayak. We were hoping to get in some kite boarding on the 26th but
the winds are far too calm for those types of activities so we went with Plan B
which was to head into the resort at Mounu Island for a spot of lunch instead so
no complaints from the crew.
![]() As Miss Amanda is due to fly out on the 28th June we start to make our way
back to town and head back into Port Maurelle on the evening of the 26th and as
the weather was so calm and the skies clear we took the dinghy for a bit of a
run up to the Swallows Cave which was a must see on Miss Amanda’s things to do
in Vava’u.
Swallows Cave
We had a great farewell dinner out at Mango Cafe on the evening of the 27th
and were joined by many crews in at Neiafu who were in to celebrate the Kiwi’s
win in the Americas Cup – Go Glen Ashby
![]() ![]() On the 28th June Amanda was packed up and voted off the island and deported
back to cold old Melbourne.
We had a couple of days in Neiafu before our next guest arrived – Rick
Potter from Safety Beach SC - who we have nick named
Jacques from his previous trips on Mustang Sally when
we have struggled to keep him out of the water.
Before we head out to explore the waters of Vava’u we did a bit of an
explore of the city which is always interesting.
Rick has arrived at a very busy time in Vava’u – his visit seems to have
coincided with the Royal Visit from the King of Tonga who is also here to enjoy
his birthday celebrations on the 4th July and take part in the conference that
is being held at the Wesleyan Church (or the Kings church) so as you can imagine
it is a very busy place at the moment.
![]() ![]() Enjoying Canada
Day at Mango Bar with Crew from Whistler and Starry
We also went out to enjoy a Tongan Feast at the Ene’io Botantical Gardens
with Hantanelli and his family. The plan is to get there again to enjoy
his very famous tour of the Botanical Gardens – which are the only botanical
gardens in Tonga....
Hantanelli at his botanical gardens
After watering and provisioning up we are out of Neiafu on the morning of
the 5th July and head around the anchorage at Mala Island (anchorage #6) which
is around 5NM so nothing too taxing. The weather is awesome so there are
plenty of water activities. For most of the day we are the only yacht in
the bay but are joined later in the afternoon by the 130’ super yacht Skarde –
we think Mustang Sally might make a fine tender!!! The toy of choice this
season seems to be a drone and luckily enough people seem to like taking drone
photos of Mustang Sally including the crew from Skarde who kindly took the
photos below of the Mala Island Anchorage.
Super Yacht Skarde
Drone photo of Sally anchored off Mala
Before we continue our adventures in Vava’u we were lucky enough to review
the Kings Flotilla when they did their sail past the stern of Mustang
We are not sure but we think we may have received a bit of a royal wave
from the King himself to his loyal visiting subjects.
The Royal Sail Past
We are now around in one of our favourite anchorages, Port Maurelle
(anchorage #7) sitting out a little bit of wind and rain but as is the Mustang
Sally spirit that will not stop us and we are already planning our afternoons
activities of snorkelling around in the next bay so hopefully we might see a bit
of sun soon...
Rare photo of Rick out of water!!