Greek mechanics........can you help

Dawn A Cooper
Sat 4 Aug 2012 13:07
38° 49' 45.46'' N, 20° 42' 46.74e
spiros,markos,pavlos, i have met them all. The help these greek marine mechanics need is with their estate planning. These recently greatly enriched gentlemen need your help in avoiding tax (all payments cash) and offshore tax accounts. We set sail to levkas just the next port down, first to go was the tachometer, no need to panic mithril only goes 5knots under power and i can tell when shes at 1000 revs. next was the recently installed batteries which were not charging from the recently installed alternator, a bit of a worry but as long as we kept the engine on and the fridges off we could easily get into port and check it out ourselves. so rather than head for a secluded anchorage we resolved ourselves to a night in the marina. Entering the marina she started to cough, not a healthy i'm alright cough but a bad one. then 100 m from our berth she died and we had the embarassment of being towed in. I checked my filters and they had sludge in. We had filled up at the last port (preveza) and taken on bad fuel. I am now having to pump out and dispose of 500 litres of saudis finest. On the good side it is reminding us of the good times and the way we travel, all heart and apart from dawn no brains. Were all well very brown, hannah has gone full african, gabriel full milwall supporter in costa bravo, dawn a beautiful golden brown, and i seem just to get hot. Anyhow were on the water, pannos (seriously) is coming monday to change some piping and then we will head again love adam dawn gabe and hannah |