Bayona oops no its La Coruna

La Coruna. 43:21.995N 008:23.145W Before I can really do much of a blog I have to mention the passing of my cousin David Casson, news that we heard about as we were leaving Kinsale. I yet haven’t really come to terms as I haven’t had anyone around me who knew him well enough to talk to about him. However David Casson besides being my cousin was one of the kindest good spirited people I will ever know. I cannot imagine the pain, his immediate family are experiencing. I knew David well enough to know that he made a huge impact on the people around him. I am truly broken hearted. Later i will mention the beautiful dolphins that surrounded us as we left Kinsale, they swam beautifully raised our spirits and they reminded me of David. One day I am sure we will arrive in the destination we set off for. Our intention was Bayona, but winds changed and were getting worse so we decided the medieval town of La Coruna would be a good spot. The journey itself was arduous six days and nights at sea, our longest so far. On leaving Kinsale winds were gusting 25knots and we were cracking along at six knots when we were met by a pod of dolphins (about 10) which followed us for about 2 days. They make this beeping/sonar sound which we can hear thru our steel hull which is wonderful. The kids were on deck and were absolutely absorbed whenever they were with us. Later on in the trip we saw some sharks and what we believe was a pod of minkie whales. When sailing and you are on a heel (leaning to one side) everything takes longer and seems like you are carrying weights, making a cup of tea and having to steady yourself can be hard work. Sail adjustments/fixing the engine, cooking and cleaning; seem to fill up what is a long day. At most we sleep 3-4 hours at a time. My technical high light was detecting our engine running very hot and having to remove bits of a fluorescent jelly fish from the water intake filters, at 3 in the morning, something which I wouldn’t of known/cared about six months ago. The crew Dawn was inspirational as always, coordinating things making sure that we don’t exist on pot noodles and chocolate, we eat fantastically, and really helped me thru the emotional pain Without whom this journey would of been so much more difficult/impossible. How many of the rest of us can fix an autopilot in high seas. Hannah, what a great sailor she is becoming, has now added helming onto her list of sailing skills. Already she can lower raise all three sails. Organise fenders/ warps for mooring. She is so professional i am so proud. Gabriel - Fishing expert and man responsible for the Mizzen. He is fantastic in what is a harsh environment. Never getting down or miserable, always there to cheer someone up. He has got a lot stronger managing to pull the mizzen sail up by himself. However we have got thru a whole jar of Nutella and no one else can remember having any! Bebhinn (pronounced Bayvin) - a young woman who we met in Kinsale and who is journeying/crewing with us. Knowing it would be a help having an extra pair of hands for the journey we went to the outdoor adventure centre in Kinsale and asked if anyone would like to come. Fortunately Bebhin n was there. Anyhow she has been a fantastic addition been expert in sail trimming and everything else, taught us the shark attack song ,but most important of all is a really good hearted person who is always there, gets stuck in and has a positive attitude, we all really are glad she is here with us. Anyhow if you are still reading we are going to explore La Coruna for the next 5 or six days and I will blog about it later. To all my family I miss you all and will always regret not being with you during these times Adam View your other email accounts from your Hotmail inbox. Add them now. |