possibilities of weeing myself

Dawn A Cooper
Fri 12 Mar 2010 15:07

Day 1 evening

We explored the village a little and had a meal of cous cous and vegetables, with a smattering of meat that had Adam and Gabe grumbling about starvation setting in, and then the clouds began to roll in as the sun set and the temperature started to drop.

Not having yet read Dawns blog I am pretty sure we will have different memories. The house was a house in the sense that it had four walls and a roof. However no heating and the mattresses were lumpen bags of horsehair. It was sooo cold. All I can remember was the incredible painful decisions of should I go to the toilet and risk hypothermia or try and hold on a little bit longer. I had almost made my decision of weeing myself and blaming the smell on the cats/proximity to toilets/or locals when Dawn got up and we tip toed thru the guides/muleteers/mules and made it there.

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