Dawn in Hull or is that working on
Dawn A Cooper
Fri 20 Jul 2012 09:40
38:55.06N 020:45.45E
sitting here in manchester in the rain, its is hard to empathise with complaints of too much heat. Dawn though is hard at work scraping ,angle grinding (to those jewish readers this involves some kind of power tool), and generally
looking after our steel hulled boat. Gabriel is with her.
Its been nearly two years since i have seen Mithril and i have missed her. Over the last few months we have ebayed a huge amount of odds and sodds which we have sent over from binoculars to portapottis (to the jewish readers
you dont want to know). And on sunday hannah and i will arrive.
Our aim is spain however we will be content with travelling where the wind takes us. Our overall plan is to bring the boat back to the UK so we can use it at weekends. Anyhow will blog from the boat