Off To Bayona..Spain kind of

Dawn A Cooper
Thu 17 Sep 2009 14:23
49 55.0 N 009 05.0W After an abortive attempt due to badly installed hydraulics we finally left for Bayona on 11th sept. The crew all raring to go after too long in holyhead. Off to the sun and sangria of spain. Weather was behind us (a good thing) the genoa pole was out and we were goosewinging down to spain. It got even better when a school of dolphins started to escort us, about ten of them and turned up everyday around tea time. Quickly we were burning up the ground and soon we were 100 miles south of ireland heading for longitude 10 lat 49. The captain was at the helm it was three in the morning all others soundly asleep when suddenly the steering seized only going to port. Well at three in the morning you start thinking is this a dream/too much coffee or do we have a major problem. Out of the three unfortunalely it was the last. Dawn duly awoken by my stern commands/screams managed to disentangle the autopilot from the steering. So at 4.00pm with steering working and no autopilot we decided to head for ireland/Kinsale. Unfortunately we were then heading into the wind, hand steering all the way. The weather turned bad and for the next two days it was an hour on and two hours off (many thanks to tan who is an excellent helmsman) Knackkered we arrived in Kinsale on 15th.... and slept for two days. The photos attached cover our time in holyhead and the entertainment there,and our passage south. hopefully they will come through in order this time and with the titles so they should make sense. Next report from Kinsale. New! Receive and respond to mail from other email accounts from within Hotmail Find out how. |