
Camarinas 43.08.569N 009.11W 11th October to 17th October Adam - Well it looks as though we are going to be here a few days due to inclement weather. Fortunately it is sunny and we are going to have a bit of a beach holiday. We are up a ria which is the same as a loch or fjord, you are inland and protected from the Atlantic. The town itself is described as picturesque, which I don’t quite see, however it is pleasant enough and the restaurants have fine seafood. Hannah attempted to become Kosher but gave up when the rest of us ordered a seafood platter. Anyhow today I was on the beach with the children and you know how they go on and on about “will you get in the water” basically you feel guilty though warm if you don’t go in or a good parent but bloody cold if you do. Anyhow I was feeling guilty (but warm) and they were going on and on, so I said if I go in the water, when we get back to the boat you have to write down a binding promise that up to the age of 48 if your children ever ask you to get in the water, you have too. They foolishly promised and now in their logs I have a written promise. It was cold but worth it!! Tomorrow we are going on a day and night trip to Santiago de Compostello. Dawn – The weather is brilliant sunshine but strong winds and the boat bounces around at night. First day we arrived it was a saints day again and everything was closed and deserted, wondered how we would get Bebhinn to Santiago for her plane. I was envisioning having to taxi it in some rickety old boneshaker with crazy Spanish driver , as it was there was a regular bus service twice a day, comfy bus but crazy driver! Having said goodbye to Bebhinn on our visit to Compostela the boat seems a bit empty now, it was good having another girl for me and Hannah to chat to. We will miss her and I hope she comes and stays with us again. Good Luck Bebhinn, keep in touch. I spent last two days enjoying the sunshine and even ventured into the water. The beach was fantastic but I only got there once as you had to get there in our tiny tender, which I’m scared to death of, so will only go out in it if the water is flat calm. Did you know you can get Messenger on your mobile? Learn more. |