Just when you thought.....
Tue 6 Dec 2005 17:29
problems, and nothing else can possibly go wrong, something goes wrong. We
were happily making up about 15 positions a day after our enforced detour
last week, when fate came up to bite us again, although it has to be
admitted that some "boy racer" mentality at the prospect of getting back
into the top half of the fleet played a part.
We were making an adequate pace, at about 8.5 knots under main and
genoa, when another yacht came into view, and the racing bug took hold. The
spinnaker went up without drama at about 22 knots of breeze, pushing our
speed well into double figures; unfortunately it then provided plenty of
drama as a gust terminated its
relationship with MR for ever. The remains wrapped around the forestay
desperately clung to the major part underwater, and MR went over on her
side, ( more G&Ts spilt). Disney would have been proud of the scene; DwD's
and FM's lithe bodies swarming down the decks, blades flashing, Pirates of
the Caribbean style. Already knee deep in surf, with a few deft, and very
expensive slashes they freed MR from her bonds.
Mixed emotions on board.. No chance of making up many more places
with our main weapon at the bottom of the sea, but a certain relief that the
daily ritual of taming the beast is no longer a part of our lives. Main
cause of regret is no further opportunity to enjoy FM's dancing the
hornpipe displays on the foredeck as the snuffer lines attempt to launch FM
instead of the chute.
Renewed sense of professionalism developing following radio call to yachts
immediately in our wake to divert away from gradually sinking spinnaker
remnants in position "where the hell are we?" (Only joking, but it just
shows how always having the log up to date can come in handy).
Just learned that the time it took to sort out the debris cost us 26 boat
places! Just shows how close everyone is.
Oh well , that's sailing ......