Sunday 19th - Thursday 23rd Days 11-15 In for a blow

Michael & Amanda Dyer
Sat 30 May 2009 17:46
We had a very fast start. Lowena was in the groove doing 6.5k+ in
squalls. The sea was flat from all the rain and although we miss the
sun, progress is more important. The sky darkened again by afternoon
and it looked like heavy rain showers but they all passed over. I was
feeling tired and gloomy. I hadn't slept much the previous night as I
was worried about shipping in the bad visibility. You couldn't see the
definition between sky and sea. With no stars to light the way it was
not easy to see anything. It almost felt like we were in heaven!
So by 1500 I was feeling a bit out of sorts. We had our meal at 1400.
We need to change the clock times as it gets dark at 1830 and light by
0400. I snuggled down under my blanket on the cockpit sole, pulled the
blanket over my head and shut my mind to where we were and thought
comforting thoughts and dozed. I have taken to sleeping there as it's
near Mike and we can communicate easily.
It was dark when I surfaced and you can't see the black clouds at night.
The vis is much better and we haven't seen any shipping for 36 hours
so guess we must be out of their route. We both slept like logs. At
0200 Mike decided to start the engine as no wind. It stopped at 0515 so
we cleaned filters and pumped sump- still some water in diesel.
Day Twelve.
The sun is shining again today! 1200Nm to go. Some cloud so hoping for
some wind but none by 0600 so motorsailing 4.2k. The engine has given
much trouble. It keeps running for half an hour and then stopping.
Mike tried everything; cleaning the filter again, pump the sump....
Then it appeared to be air escaping in the fuel. Finally Mike put the
old filter in place of the new one and the engine ran for 14 hours until
we switched off at 0200. As it was hot and sunny and we have to hand
steer from steer when there's no wind. Mike set up a steering
contraption so we can steer from the main hatch in the shade. He used
two pulley blocks, centred a line around the tiller and took each line
through a block forward to each side of the hatch. It worked well and
we steered 060 degs all day until 0200 when the wind came in from the
north west. It gradually veered to the north and is set to continue to
Day Thirteen
The forecast is for 16k increasing to 22k by Thursday. The barometer
has risen to 1028. We put the second reef in main and rolled yankee to
second reef. It seems strange being on port tack as we have so far been
on starboard. At 1000 I spied a yacht gaining on us from the starboard
quarter. It turned out to be 'Fado', I had a chat and we agreed to meet
in Horta. Their ETA being 27th April. Their average speed 13k!
That was the first contact we'd had with anyone since leaving Antigua.
The wind and seas grew to the worst we have experienced so far. Mike
put third reef in and we slammed along all night with squalls hitting us
one after another.
Day Fourteen
The wind has veered slightly this morning so we are now steering between
350 and north, averaging 4.5k. 1085Km to Horta, bearing 062 degrees.
It looks as if we have this for the next 24hrs but veering to E- SE so
hope to get a better slant soon.
Saw a yacht in the evening and a ship in the night.
Day Fifteen
The wind has veered so we are getting a little east steering 006
degrees. The seas are slightly smoother. Squally and cloudy this
morning doing 7.2k in squalls. Ran engine for 2 hours to charge batts.
Sea going down and making good progress again at last. Saw one ship.