Fri 23rd Nov
Michael & Amanda Dyer
Sat 24 Nov 2007 09:37
We made good progress west in the night. The sea became very
roly poly and things slopped around, banging and crashing.
No one had much sleep.
This morning we took down the main with the intention of setting
up the running headsails but so far we are just running under
one yankee.
Last evening three good things happened close together.
Firstly, we had been emailed BWR positions at last from Brian &
Margaret on 'Our Island'- thank you. It is so comforting to know
there are other boats around you, some nearer than you think.
Noticeably, 'Miss Styx' at 0900 was only 15 miles away.
Secondly, we called Fraser on the iridium phone which was a cause
for great celebration. And finally, as I was about to prepare the
evening meal, I glanced into the cockpit and the fishing rod was
bending to the tuna 'v fish!!...... yes it was a young tuna (not huge
but size doesn't matter) We shared him for lunch today and very
tasty he was too. So Adam has now fulfilled his part of the
Adam and Mike have just set up the twin headsails and they are
working a treat, although we still only have 5-10 knots of wind.
They are getting us along at around 5 KM/hr.
Our position as I write is 22degs 50N, 20 degs, 45W.