Easter in Clifton Harbour, Union Island

Michael & Amanda Dyer
Thu 27 Mar 2008 22:17
Island is only 4 miles south so within an hour a boat boy came roaring
out to meet us, (always stressful when entering a new harbour), it
looked very crowded so we agreed to being led to a mooring buoy. This
was not ideal as we hung back too close to a Catamaran, (a cattlemaran,
as they are known here because there is normally so many people
aboard!). We had to put our anchor out as well. We went ashore to renew
our wifi sub to hothothot spot which generally picks up a good signal at
anchor in most main harbours.
Union Island has quite a few French expats setting up businesses and
restaurants. We visited Happy Island, a reef that has been built on and
converted to a bar!
The next day we climbed up Fort Hill above the runway and were rewarded
with a fine view of all the islands from St Vincent in the north to
Grenada in the south.
Arthur Darby, Adam's friend from Cambridge had sent Adam a message to
say his family were chartering in the Grenadines over Easter. Well they
anchored right next to us and we spent an enjoyable evening together.
The next day, Morgan and I kayaked over to Frigate Island, where a
marina had been planned but aborted as the company went bust. It was
two miles down wind. Chris Doyle suggests the snorkelling is good here
to the windward side of the island. Well the only thing we saw were
starfish, one very big about one foot diameter. It was a long hard
pullback to the anchorage!
We were ready for lunch.
We ate out at the West Indies Restaurant, run by a French couple, very
friendly. The food was very good.
Now we are waiting for tomorrow,(Easter Monday) to clear out and sail to